Why Skipping Test Management Tools isn’t a Good Idea For Tech Startups?

Test Management Tools

For technology companies, we have some unfortunate news… app glitches are unavoidable.

That is why testing and test management tools are so important. Errors and bugs do exist even in an exceptionally skilled and competent product team. All of us are human. Testing manually or through test management tools is also critical for enterprises who wish to produce high-quality applications and find bugs before their clients do so.

But research isn’t just about big businesses with an unlimited budget for QA. For smaller businesses trying to scale up a product, have better customer service, and create interest in a product, it can be highly helpful.

In a fast-paced start-up, the whole staff is excited about the venture and wishes it to thrive. A lot of time, and resources go into making a product that users enjoy, and this can be expressed in the consistency of the apps. In particular, getting a bug-free app could be the difference between the success or failure of your company if your start-up is based on technology.

This is why we’ve put up five key questions that should be asked about QA by CTOs and product teams, with responses that demonstrate the essential important testing phase can provide.

It makes it easier for you to scale

Both CTO and the founder should be asking as to how would a test management tool help them scale? Startups are all in the vision, ramping up year on year to become ever larger and stronger. But your QA has to scale with it for your product to scale. It’s really different from 5,000 daily users seeing 500 adopters using the app. In order to verify if the program can deal with new pressure, you need to have performance monitoring in place.

Relevantly, testing is also necessary to guarantee that the product doesn’t malfunction on new, distinct platforms, servers, and locations as you aim to grow into your native market. As in Singapore, the software needs to function as perfectly as it does in Los Angeles.

That’s where checking for localization will benefit you. You can use a top-notch QA management software like Kualitee that will provide a comprehensive platform for you to test out the app before you launch the product in the market bug-free!

It boosts consistency & quality

Contrary to what most would imagine, developing high-quality apps in a limited time frame is not as difficult! A well-executed research plan is a certain way of ensuring that time after time you produce a consistent product again. Why not take a look at the research methodology of last year in hindsight? What have the major winners been? Where do you think you’re allowed to improve? It’s not too late for your QA solution to be restored or improved. Here are some suggestions that the start-up should introduce into its strategy:

  • Create a quality culture in your business
  • To offer you complete research coverage, use a combination of automated and manual testing.
  • Be sure that your research approach adapts and evolves with the maturity of the product.

Protecting your profits

Bugs will cost you a great deal of money.

Research by CISQ found that, in 2018, poor quality software cost organizations $2.8 trillion in the US alone.


Even if the enterprise is not an app for banking or investing, glitches can also be expensive mistakes. IBM’s Systems Sciences Institute noticed that after product release, the cost of correcting a bug found was 4 to 5 times more than if it was identified during the design process and up to 100x more than if it was found during the repair phase. That’s a massive amount of money lost. You will secure your sales by engaging in testing infrastructure early and save money later down the road.

It builds customer confidence

80 percent of applications are removed after one application, according to Helpshift. That is an app retention rate that is worryingly poor! The big question, then, is how do you increase retention rates for apps?

The answer: consumer faith. They are more likely to purchase it if a client trusts your product. It’s not possible that a buggy app inspires confidence in the product or tempts consumers to part with their precious bank information.

It increases sales

It’s why quality will play a significant role in your product’s trust level – a product of low quality is much more likely to trigger your consumers to lose interest in your brand.

Let’s presume you’re shopping online for your new favorite start-up makeup app. The items you need are determined by you and added to your cart. You then click on ‘Check Out’. However, you see the unwelcome response at the moment you hit enter on your delivery address….. Error! 

It’s likely that you or any other customer who gets an error will leave at this very moment, resulting in LOW sales.

Bugs will have a direct effect on revenue on your e-commerce platform or app. Particularly in online shopping centers where the main is a smooth consumer journey and strong competition. Until your buyers do you will find these critical vulnerabilities by thoroughly checking, and stop missed revenue.

Final Words

For startups, particularly those tech-first businesses where their company depends on getting an app that performs on what it offers, testing is crucial. An unstable app may have a detrimental effect on your start-up, with expensive bugs that consumers don’t trust. But the distinction between a company that scales and one that could fall flat is a well-tested app, where glitches have been patched early in order to provide a smooth user interface. Remember the 5 reasons why testing for startups is so essential.

  1. It boosts efficiency
  2. It builds customer trust
  3. It safeguards your money
  4. It makes you scale
  5. Increases income

Talk With An Expert

If you still have any questions about having a super test management tool for your tech startup then feel free to talk to an expert who’ll answer all your concerns. 
