Speeding Up Your Software Test Execution


Software testing teams use automation test platforms, that speed up testing processes in the software development lifecycle (SDLC). These automation test platforms utilize parallel testing techniques that help alleviate bottlenecks, by halving test execution times and enabling software testing teams to locate and fix bugs early.

Automation Testing

With special software tools and solutions, you can speed up the execution of tests. This process does not require any intervention on the QA technician’s behalf, thus saving time, energy and resources. This applies to regression testing as well, where testers can expect a 15% increase in efficiency and time savings.

Methods to speed up automation testing

Despite the host of advantages it brings, automation testing still relies on a certain level of proficiency to work. This includes writing scripts, as well as maintaining data files. You can test faster by refining your current automation strategy and adjusting your current processes.

Not everything needs automation

As discussed, automating your tests can help you speed up tasks considerably. However, automating the wrong types of test cases can have the opposite impact. Most software testing companies still use manual testing. It is important to know when to apply automation and when to stick to manual testing. You can read further about it here.

Reduce regression rates

Regression tests should ideally be automated. Programmer expectations can differ greatly from those of the customers, so it is important to check unit tests and their expected results. By doing so, you will cut down on any communication barriers that exist between testers in these service tests, and also create a more robust interface check.

Naive automation

Alongside knowing what needs automating, development teams should also know how far the automation should go. Automating code that seldom breaks but often changes will create high-maintenance efforts and slow down your QA.

Instead of considering automated testing as the be-all-end-all of testing, it is important to incorporate regression test checks to verify if anything is actually broken and then utilise manual testing for risks.

Parallel testing

Scalability issues can cause testing efforts to commonly slow down because of the time and effort it takes to create and maintain them. Most companies today run automated test processes and manual tests in conjunction to give faster feedback.

Parallel testing can save time, increase coverage and speed up tests by concurrently verifying the compatibility of recently developed functions with the old ones. So, once appropriate test scripts have been generated, no additional effort is required.

Methods to speed up testing

Here are a few guidelines to keep in mind if you’re looking to write tests that work well in parallel.

Be clear and concise

Just like is the case with any other endeavor, clear planning is the pivotal element. Try making sure that the scope of each test is well understood and concise. Explaining needs like whether the tests are for a single feature or multiple can be beneficial. Also, is your team going to be using defect tracking tools to track necessary code changes and comprehensive results?

Exploratory testing

Teams can’t anticipate every scenario even though you can automate explicit expectations. To get around this hurdle, it is important to use investigative, exploratory testing to unearth additional information about how the software actually works.

Don’t reinvent the wheel

Similar to automated testing, frameworks for parallel testing already exist. Instead of spending a lot of time generating scripts and tests for every execution, reuse the processes that you have either already made or look for one online that best fits your needs.

How to highlight problematic areas

If you’ve been in the business long enough, you’d know that software projects are a level more complex than they used to be and proper organizational culture is crucial for success. Having a few standardized project management processes can help mitigate confusion.

Communication is vital

Don’t underestimate the importance of your team. At all times, you should be communicating with your team members to ensure that everyone is on the same page. This is true for documenting and reporting too; you need to brief your team members of what’s new, what’s needed, and what’s fixed. 

Keep files organized

A messy organizational tactic can have adverse consequences for any team. This is why issue tracking tools are utilized to help sort everything out. If you’re not using one, make sure that all the test files are named appropriately and all tests within it have clear and informative names.

Ensure quality throughout

Ensuring the quality of the end product isn’t just down to the QA team. Doing so can devalue the development process. Software teams are made up of a number of stakeholders – developers, testers, designers – and they are all responsible for delivering the highest quality standards in the final product.

Know that testing takes time

Despite being a time-consuming part of the SDLC, testing is often constrained more than other areas of development. Understanding that quality is one corner that simply cannot be cut is important. Also, note that parameters like product maturity and test execution can take time. Planning for it can only benefit your team in the long run.
