Testers Dilemma: Reproducing Non-Reproducible Defects

  • Posted By: admin
  • Posted On: November 29, 2018
Defect management is a very tricky process. This is because an attempt to detect these bugs can produce additional issues that are not solvable. In some cases, the problems are readily apparent and can simply be repeated for testing. Nevertheless, other situations can often end with a defect being labeled as non-reproducible. Understanding the testers dilemma, we are presenting you the list of four tips to eliminate the reproducibility of non-reproducible defects.

Find the True Source of Mistake

Sometimes people are working on solving an issue without even knowing that what they fix has actually caused the issue in the first place. QA experts that team fails to address the right thing, therefore, they close the ticket assuming that the bug has been resolved. However, many testers have knowledge that these situations leave defects in the code that lead to the creation of additional issues later on. In order to overcome the challenge explained above, QA teams should find the actual source of the mistake. For this, they will have to take look into the code and going through the reproduction process to check if the bug was just a fluke or actually repeatable. Testers must be able to evaluate the fixed tickets and verify the functionality of everything.

Allocate A Group of Professionals to Handle Reproduction & Monitor Defect Trends

Testers and developers already have so much on their plate. This does not mean that they can ignore the defect management. Some team member quit after spending thirty minutes trying to reproduce the issue. However, the majority of the testers will still experience the bug during the evaluation. This can create a long defect backlog cycle that could take a few weeks to be resolved. As a consequence, release schedules become shorter and testers are pressurized to deliver as per expectations. In order to overcome this difficulty, the senior manageme nt must allocate a group of professionals to handle reproduction and monitor defect trends. This guarantees that every issue is given its due thoroughness without adding additional responsibilities to developers and testers. If you cannot do this, then your team must be provided with the sufficient time to through the steps of defect reproduction.

Testers Must Be Precise in their Documentation

With bug reproduction, the documentation of the steps they took to replicate the issue is important. However, a poorly written report could waste time with required clarifications and endanger the validity of the issue. Going through this part will also assist you to look for the correct solution and mitigate similar defects in the future. Fortunately, overcoming this challenge is not difficult to complete. Individuals should be precise and patient when tracing their movements. The steps should be short, using unambiguous sentences. Teams can utilize testing data and basics to regulate how the issue occurred.

Teams Must Cultivate an Environment That Overcomes Laziness in Reproduction Setup

It is a simple fact that teams don't allocate sufficient effort or time into their defect management practices. As mentioned above, some testers just devote thirty minutes to reproducing a bug, but there are some that abandon the ticket even if they have not gone through the suitable process. Therefore, the teams should nurture an environment that overpowers laziness in the reproduction setup with sufficient proper test management tools and time.

In the End……

There are numerous challenges that emerge when it come s to non-reproducible defects. Therefore, it is important for teams to understand what these issues imply and steps to overcome them.