How Test Management Tools Transform Startups Into Giants?

Test Management Tools

It’s not enough for a startup to finally become a full-blown enterprise with a fresh and revolutionary idea. You need bravery and you need a lot of it, too! Think about it, at an early stage companies are usually financed by private equity – so startups manage each penny carefully and choose each move on the road thoroughly by hand for. 

However, they must maintain the finest standard for the longevity of their services or products. Therefore, start-ups still have a lot of tests to do, and it is normal for them to concentrate on test automation and issue tracking tools, but is it a clever step?

Start-ups often have a small budget and investing in issue tracking teams is pretty much on the pricey side. One might wonder if test automation is an intelligent startup move: Is it mandatory, or is it an utter waste of time and money? 

In the beginning, a startup does not need to focus on hiring a team of test developers as they are low on funds. However, if you want your startup to scale up quickly, then having issue tracking tools at your disposal 24/7 becomes mandatory.


Your consumer describes the roadmap and the important features of your signature product. Feedback and satisfaction from your clients are vital to the start-up. And these reviews transform into product attributes down the line. The problem of your agile growth cycle is that of balancing these additions. 

These new functionality additions lead also to improvements and new test cases and regular cycles. 

With that in mind, let’s dive straight into how issue tracking tools benefit your startup and eventually transform it into a giant.

  • A Powerful Dashboard With Efficient Test Case Management

Testers normally notify each other to get an update on the project status. An immersive and efficient dashboard is an ideal test management platform that gives you a 360-degree view of the state of the entire project when linked. This stops you from wasting any time to receive project alerts. You just need to login to see modified bug reports, trial scenarios, status reports, and so on.

Using an issue case management platform can construct and save test cases, schedule, test delivery, report development, and storage, etc. in one place. It promotes the teams’ understanding of what’s going on, what to do without email and chat. Furthermore, the test cases, testing schedules, criteria, defects, and other valuable knowledge about these test cases are viewed in full by these instruments. When manual processes were used by testers, running multiple tests concurrently were difficult for them. Test cases, monitoring failures, specifications, etc. weren’t readily shared. But it gets pretty simple with an issue management tool.

The management of test criteria plays an imperative role. It builds a systematic test schedule, writes test scenarios, creates, implements, and runs those test cases. You will reuse the test cases in the regression loop while doing other tasks rather than wasting more of the time building another. It enables you to store and use your work as needed in Word and PDF.

  • User-Friendly With Powerful Tool Integrations

You must have a user-friendly interface for the tool you use. This will provide the testers with clarity and comfort. This also enables innate efficiency and working, which improves and engages test management tools.

A test management framework provides flawless integration with different powerful frameworks for streamlining data and workflows. It also involves moving a pipeline, synchronizing faults, and designing targeted bug checks. This gives you a strong, flexible, and fast experience. It handles the product launches with ease and interacts with your staff without any major difficulty. 

A user-friendly issue tracking tool eliminates boredom and promotes ease of access among QA testers. Furthermore, the integration of powerful tools makes testing an easy and fun process. A tech startup truly becomes a giant when its development team really ‘enjoys’ the work rather than just settling into a daily routine.

  • Improved Collaboration & Communication

Test case management tools allow several users to see everything in real-time, thus promoting a culture of efficient communication in the entire dev team. An issue tracking tool makes sure that the development team and QA testers are in total sync 24/7. This is important as it saves time for developers as they get real-time updates from testers on any pending or solved bugs, defects, or errors in the application.

All stakeholders can navigate the same framework in real-time with the assistance of test case management. It’s all in real-time on the same network. This eliminates the need for physical paperwork and teams interact with each other more efficiently.

How To Find The Right Set Of Issue Tracking Tools That Help Your Startup?

Choosing a reliable testing tool is not easy for a startup. They have to make a careful decision on their first try as they cannot afford the time and money by jumping from one testing tool to another.

Here are some indicators that you should look for in an issue tracking tool:

  • A powerful dashboard that details out every issue and categorizes it according to priority.
  • The ability to create test execution reports on-demand saves time and makes the whole process more efficient.
  • The QA process of the issue tracking tool should be well-defined which saves QA testers from any extra efforts. 
  • There should be a great setup for communication which can include notifications through dashboards and emails. This will improve collaboration in your startup’s development team and will result in a high-end quality product.

If you are super interested in knowing the attributes of the right issue tracking tool for your startup, then this article is a must-read:

Important Elements To Look For In An Issue Tracking Tool | Kualitee


Saving time and solving test cases with issue management tools is a surefire way to transform your startup into a tech giant. 
