Strategies for Building a Successful Distributed QA Testing Teams

distributed teams

Working remotely has more or less become a trend now. Managing teams that are not present in the office and are at different locations can be a bit hard to carry through. 

There could be unavailability issues for some employees, others might have connectivity issues, and there’s a lot more that can go wrong. To combat these issues, companies need to develop strategies that are helpful to overcome such challenges. 

So, if you are an employer or a manager and are going to hire or manage a team remotely, there could be some challenges you can face. We can help guide you with that, discussing the topic in depth. 

What are Distributed QA Teams?

Distributed teams are those in which team members are not present at the same location. 

For QA distributed teams, all the testers or coordinators are not present in the premises of the office and instead work from different locations and time zones.

Here are different types of distributed teams:

Remote, CentralizedHybrid Centralized Hybrid DistributedRemote and Distributed 
Teams are formed of totally remote individuals, all located in a similar time zone or location.This strategy combines on-premise and remote employees within a particular time zone or region.A team composition that includes people who work both on-site and remotely, spanning many time zones and locales.Teams are made up of people from various time zones or regions, with everyone working remotely.

Challenges for Distributed QA Teams

Communication and Collaboration

Distributed teams require effective communication due to physical distance between members. Keeping team members connected and fostering efficient teamwork requires straightforward and consistent communication, the use of collaboration tools, and the establishment of frequent meetings.

Time Zone and Culture Differences

Working across time zones can be challenging for organizing meetings, addressing pressing issues, and collaborating in real-time. Cultural differences can also influence communication techniques and expectations, requiring cultural sensitivity and agility within the team.

Task Management

Managing testing activities and tasks across distant teams can be challenging. To enable seamless communication and progress tracking, comprehensive project management tools and processes must be used, as well as clear expectations and duties assigned.

Fostering Team Connections

Distributed testing teams face challenges in fostering unity and team spirit owing to physical distance. Virtual team-building activities, open communication, and knowledge sharing can all contribute to developing a cohesive team environment.

How to Overcome These Challenges?

Companies globally have various development and testing teams, with some opting for distributed teams due to individual tastes. 

Due to worldwide health limitations, numerous companies are now required to function overnight with remote personnel. Distributed test management and coordination can be difficult, resulting in dissatisfaction, delayed releases, and failure of the project. 

Communication and information sharing are critical for engineers and testing teams to guarantee that tests are completed and problems are successfully addressed. 

If nobody agrees, testers may fail to fulfill deadlines and monitor all issues and bugs, resulting in a disaster. 

Managing dispersed testing groups can be difficult, but with the correct methodology and tools, it can be done successfully.

Effective Communication

Effective communication is key for managing distributed teams. Establish regular communication methods, such as video calls, messaging platforms, and email, to keep everyone in touch. 

Promote honest and open interaction among team members so that they may collaborate and exchange information efficiently. 

Schedule periodic team meetings to go over project updates, address difficulties or impediments, and share recommendations.

Clear Processes and Documentation 

Create standardized testing techniques and documentation to maintain consistency among scattered teams. This includes developing test plans, test cases, and test scripts that are accessible and clear to all team members. To facilitate access, centralize documentation in a shared place or document management system.

Skill Development Opportunities

Provide skill development and training opportunities to the testing team. Provide appropriate training sessions or links to internet resources to help them improve their technical abilities and expertise. 

This ensures that the team remains up to date on the latest testing methods and technologies.

Performance Evaluation and Feedback

Create a system for performance tracking to track individual as well as team performance. Establish specific measurements and key performance indicators (KPIs) for tracking progress and quality. Give team members regular feedback to recognize their accomplishments while highlighting areas for development.

Set Clear Objectives 

Set specific objectives and standards for the testing crew. Ensure that everyone on the team understands their roles and the overarching goals of the testing project. 

To eliminate confusion throughout the testing process, provide precise instructions and guidelines.

How Test Management Tools Help in Effective Distributed Team Management?

Choose the Right Test Management Tool

Evaluate and choose a tool that meets your team’s needs. Look for features like test case management, performance tracking, defect management, and connectivity with other tools. Ensure that the tool promotes collaboration and facilitates access and exchange of testing artifacts.

Centralize Test Artifacts

Use a test management platform to organize all test artifacts, such as test plans, cases, scripts, and data. 

This guarantees that all members of the team have access to the most recent versions of the test assets. Centralization also simplifies collaboration and eliminates version control difficulties.

Defect Management and Tracking

Utilize the test management tool’s defect tracking feature to log and handle defects. Ensure that team members can quickly report defects, allocate them to the right people, monitor their status, and cooperate on their resolution. 

This simplifies the defect management process, allowing for more effective problem tracking and resolution.

Customization and Reporting

Customize the test management tool to meet your team’s workflow and reporting requirements. Customize the tool’s fields, workflows, and dashboards to collect relevant data and provide useful results. 

Reports can reveal details about test coverage, defect trends, and the project’s overall progress.

Frequent Review and Continuous Enhancement

Conduct periodic assessments of the test management tool and its use by the team. Solicit input from team members on accessibility, effectiveness, and any issues they face. Use this feedback to continuously improve the tool’s settings and workflows.

Incorporation with Other Tools

Verify whether the test management platform connects with other QA tools like problem tracking, automation, and CI/CD. 

Integration improves operations, automates data transfer across tools, and minimizes human labor.


Configure test management tools for your team’s workflow and reporting requirements. Customize the tool’s fields, workflows, and dashboards to collect relevant data and provide useful results. 

Reports can reveal details about the coverage of tests, defect trends, and the project’s overall progress.

Take Away

So distributed teams are not a problem anymore for you. As you are now aware of the challenges that can come in your way if your team is working remotely, and can take proactive measures to address these.  

You can implement the above strategies to make your teams work efficiently and collaborate easily while working in distributed locations or time zones.

To increase the efficacy of your QA team, choose a Test Management Tool like Kualitee. 
