How Do Highly Confident QA Teams Do Testing Better?

QA Teams Do Testing Better

In the software testing field, there is a rapid development and evolution of new technologies. Not only is it imperative for enterprises to adapt to these innovative technologies but they need to have skilled QA testers. The increasingly complex role of a tester in today’s software development environment calls for a more proactive approach to software testing. QA teams that have high confidence in their test coverage are more likely to achieve their goals and make the most of their testing efforts. 

According to a survey within the QA industry, researchers observed that more than 50%of QA teams surveyed were not confident in their ability to ensure high-quality software products. A proper QA process is crucial for a company’s success, as it helps in ensuring that all resources are allocated efficiently and that products are tested for any defects in the early stages of the software development life cycle. QA testers use a combination of test case management & issue tracking tools to maintain quality and reduce the time to market. 

Why Do Some QA Testing Teams Fail And Others Succeed?

Well, to find out the answer to this question, one should figure out what organizations do differently? When QA testing teams are confident in their test coverage, they are more likely to ensure faster releases and product delivery. There are three main factors that highly confident teams invest their time and efforts, that are explained below:

A Proper QA Process/Strategy in Place 

It does not come as a surprise that there is an absence of a proper QA strategy due to which teams are unable to perform their tasks effectively. On the contrary, teams with a well-defined and planned QA process have a better success ratio. In the wake of the current rising competition, testing can be a real challenge for teams. Yet, a QA strategy in place will keep them focused on their testing efforts and eliminate the risks of uncertainties. 

Align QA Goals With Business Goals 

It is commonly observed that highly confident QA teams focus on aligning their QA goals with their business goals. It allows them to have better test coverage and understanding of how important QA testing is for their business growth.

Measure KPIs through QA Metrics 

More than half of the highly confident respondents mentioned that they regularly measure their QA metrics. By measuring the input and output of a QA process, teams can keep a close eye on areas of the QA process that need continuous improvement. Two most common and important metrics QA teams to measure code quality include issue tracking and the status of test cases. Although these metrics are useful to measure the efficiency of your QA strategy, it’s not possible to gauge product quality. However, issue tracking tools come quite handy as they can identify, track, and rectify issues in the early stages of the development cycle. 

It is also worth mentioning here that tester-owned QA teams are more likely to take a strategic approach to test. If your team is constantly facing challenges in achieving quality products, considering the above factors and making them a part of the QA process may help overcome the problems. 
