How to Make Your Life Easier as a Software Tester

Software Tester

Software production is a multi-step process that involves the expertise of a variety of people. In terms of available time to complete assignments and tool provisioning, QA testers have often gotten the raw end of the deal. 

However, since these components will also decide the value, quality, and profitability of software programs, QA and test management have become more of a business priority in recent times. It is crucial that specialists in this field manage their work efficiently, while also enjoying what they are doing.

Anyone who has served in the QA sector for any amount of time has witnessed a surprising lack of coordination, inconsistent management, and overwhelming bug reports.

It's a job in and of itself to work through this mess. Creating order with your own routines is the only way to escape this situation. You will set a precedent for your peers if you can establish a shared and clear order for all project work you encounter.

Why have an organized structure?

You can save a lot of time by preventing sloppy testing. You will now invest considerable time on actually running the tests -- the same time you may have spent hunting for and collecting test case information. You would be able to catch and report more crucial bugs if you will rely less on the administrative duties of your testing. 

Not only can a good QA tester discover more important glitches, but they can also dedicate more of their time and resources to assisting their team. 

So, how can you maximize your productivity and make your life easier? 

Here are a few expert recommendations. 

1. Organization is everything

The preparation of appropriate software testing environments and activities necessitates cooperation with a wide number of individuals.

You can lose crucial data if you do not have a way to store this data. Information that could save you hours of time in the long term. 

People interact in a number of ways. It's easy for a text to get lost in the shuffle. You've seen it before, haven't you? You're chatting with your test lead, and they keep on making a proposal that they made weeks before, but you have no clue what they're talking about.

When you build an ordered framework to store all of your key data, you will collect the knowledge you need to shape your project's testing plan. 

Holding all of the relevant correspondence in one place is a smart idea. You'll need to go through the details you and your colleagues shared. By making it accessible, you will be doing your future self a huge favor.

A great example of this can be a test case management software testing tool like Kualitee which can help you and your QA team to store important information in one place. Kualitee also offers defect tracking software and issue tracking tools, thus making your life easier. Set priorities, manage notifications, and create task boards to organize everything in its rightful place.

2. Always write comprehensive bug reports

You will be doing your team a big favor if you write simple and comprehensive bug reports.

There are three main points you need to take care of when writing a bug report:

  • Write for the good of everyone.
  • Write with consistency in mind.
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">Write in great depth.

People who read the bug notes will have no idea or perception of what you did to discover the bug. When you document in-depth, you save time for the rest of your staff and engineers so they won't have to speculate on any aspect of your world.

It's critical that you only focus on writing what's really needed. You are not expected to hold a dialogue inside your bug report. We prefer fast, nice, and to-the-point bug reports at Kualitee.

It's better to write a bug report as if the user you're writing it for has never used the software before. You will make everybody more satisfied if you can generate replicable bug reports with this degree of comprehension.

3. Engage and collaborate 

Testing is a joint effort. You'll realize that keeping people updated from the start will save you a lot of time in the long run.

When testers are introduced to a larger portion of the project, they will feel a lot of ease in securing their objectives. A tester is just as successful as their quality assurance team.

Your aim is to ensure that everyone participating in the project understands the application fully. Testers can easily cover test cases because everybody knows what the application involves.

Enable testers to engage in decision-making sessions by engaging with the test lead or director. QA managers would be able to plan early test scenarios if they have access to early knowledge. This would avoid any unanticipated problems, complications, or threats, while still being cost-effective.

4. Don’t focus on testing in the beginning

Contrary to common perception, one of the most critical aspects of being a successful software tester in a project is to not test at all in the beginning.

Instead, take a few moments to experiment with the software. Determine the app's priorities. You'll be able to appreciate the purpose of each feature until you grasp the app's ultimate goal. You'll be able to schedule a very effective and efficient test case approach when you grasp the app's subtle nuances.

When your expectations as a tester fit with the app's goals, you'll be able to achieve excellent outcomes.

5. Have a positive attitude

The attitude of a tester will be the distinction between discovering the most significant flaw in the app and detecting none at all. 

You would not discover any glitches if you test software without planning to find any. You are very well aware that no app is without flaws. 

There are a plethora of circumstances that can lead an app to crash. By promising yourself from the start that you'll discover the enigmatic crucial bug, you'll end up discovering other bugs and igniting a fire among your colleagues. 

Your colleagues will recognize your efforts if you perform testing with a good attitude and they'll follow your lead. Once again, you are just as strong as your team. You will inspire the colleagues to work better if you excite them and ultimately this would make the job of all the tests.


Testing is a fun and easy job if you follow a specific plan and organize your test cases in a detailed fashion. As a team leads, it is your duty to provide testers with concrete goals to aim and achieve. These milestones will create goals and inspire teams to meet them. However, management must realize that these targets are dependent on the testers' skills. 

Since testers are such an integral part of software creation, it's crucial that they're well-managed. Following the protocols mentioned above would help testing teams be more successful while still ensuring that the quality of their testing remains at par.
