Tester’s Diary: 6 Common Bugs that have Bugged my Life

Tester's Diary 6 common bugs
  • Posted By: admin
  • Posted On: October 19, 2018

Being a tester, encountering various bugs have become an integral part of my life. Some of these bugs take a lot of time and effort to get removed.

Software Fail Watch report 2018 analyzed 606 software failures, affecting more than 3.6 billion people. This has resulted in a loss of $1.7 trillion for software vendors. What was the root cause of these failures? Inefficient bug detection.

Therefore, it is very important for us testers to be aware of at least the common types of bugs that can destroy your software. Worse, bring the whole business down.

I have compiled a list of the 6 most common bugs that have really bugged my life. Although, I also happened to find a way to make things even. But first, let’s talk about those bugs:

Browser Compatibility

Sometimes the app works on one browser, but not on the others. This is what they call browser compatibility problem. Keeping this scenario in mind, a tester has to test the website on as many browsers as possible. Usually, user preference and experience are focused while prioritizing the browser during testing. From my personal experience, the oldest Safari and Internet Explorer versions should be least preferred.

Validation Fields

This is one of the most frequently appearing and common type of bugs that occurs when you put unacceptable characters in your app’s validation field or cross the maximum field length. This bug is not given much importance, but, it can cause serious damage to your app if you lack absent or have incorrect validation fields.

To resolve this issue, you have to limit the number of characters assigned to the fields such as; state, city, name, ZIP code, and telephone number etc.

Date Control

Some of the apps use age restriction, to help you out, I have exposed date bugs that arise due to date control. In this scenario, QA puts on a boundary value analysis for enhanced test coverage. In other words, I concentrate on examining the boundaries between the partitions.

If you are testing to guarantee that date control is accurate concerning a particular date, then you are required to set up test cases that entail proper dates chart.

Page Layout at Various Screen Resolutions

Knowing the user base plays a vital role in deciding who your user base is. It is your responsibility to find out what browser your targeted customer base is using. I have witnessed issues arising because of a particular type of screen resolution for various applications. This cannot be defined precisely, nevertheless, this ambiguity pops usually when people test a web app on a 4-inch screen.

Errors in Communication

You are in a big trouble if you are unable to provide a user-friendly app. Keep in mind that your app should be accessible on the screen. The significance of the homepage and help section cannot be overlooked. This helps you in communicating your business objective effectively.

App Crash Due to Button Click

QA testers encounter this bug in almost all mobile apps that they test and this can severely damage your app. It is hidden behind the button that is not used by the customers. However, if the button gets mistakenly pressed by the user, it can seriously affect the app’s functionality. These buttons are not considered important by developers and so are often ignored. Perhaps, such buttons can be seen in an app’s profile editing mode and utilized to edit a picture in the user profile.

6 Common Bugs One Solution: Start Using Kualitee

To avoid this hassle and concentrate on more important tasks, Kualitee helps! It provides you with an in-depth picture of the sort of bugs encountered. After being recorded, these bugs could be tracked and fixed in time, thus shortening your workflow process. As a defect management tool, Kualitee plays an important role in automating minor and repetitive tasks, so that the tester could focus on more complexed tasks.
