Issue Tracking: Bring Out the Detective In You

  • Posted By: admin
  • Posted On: May 10, 2019

Issue tracking is not about just doing your job. If you look closely into it, it is more about fixing what isn’t right, making things more practical, and digging deep into the problem so that one can fix it. We all have this urge to set things right. Therefore, we always look for the opportunity in the time of crisis. Hence, it is not wrong to say that there’s a detective hiding inside us who wants to reach the bottom of every issue. Issue tracking tools are one way to bring out the long-forgotten detective inside us.

Here are some of the ways through which issue tracking tools will help you to satisfy your detective instincts:

Guess The Issue

Issue tracking, as the name suggests, is a process in which you track problems and issues in software. In order to track with perfection, you need the right kind of tools and skill set. The inherent nature of this whole process is based on curiosity and perfection. Therefore, issue tracking offers a great opportunity for those who want to have some fun at their job. If you love chasing culprits, which are bugs in this case, then testing is a great and fun career option for you. Kualitee is an example of such a tool which offers both quality and fun at the same time.

Take The Challenge

Issue tracking can become a real challenge sometimes. You need to dig deep in order to get to the heart of the problem. The best part about it is that the more difficult it gets to track an issue/bug, the more fulfilled you feel once you track it. So, it is safe to say that issue tracking is candy for those who love to take challenges and then troubleshoot them after using the wisdom of their inner detective.

Hunt The Culprit

Imagine a scenario of a crime scene. You see a lot of people working together to solve the case. Issue tracking is just like that. The only difference is that the crime scene is the software or app and the expected culprit is a bug. A tester needs to works with the whole team, which involves developers, QA engineers, etc. to capture a bug and fix it. Hence, it gives you all the thrills of capturing a culprit from a real crime scene. If we talk about facts, then bugs can cause serious damages. A simple bug error can result in plane crashes to healthcare machinery malfunctions. Therefore, bugs shouldn’t be taken anything less than a potential threat to the lives of people depending upon the nature of the software and app.

Say “Busted” When Done

Now that you finally know after a lot of chasing who the real culprit is, you can treat it just as you wish. Just say the word “busted” and pass it on to the judiciary for the final verdict. The judiciary, in this case, is the development and the quality assurance team.

Drive Ahead with Passion

At the end of the day, it’s your passion that matters the most. If you are a tester and want to achieve nothing but the best in your field then you have to let your inner detective out and take the lead. This way your work be easy and fun. Just keep one thing in mind that issue tracking is a critical thing to do. Therefore, if you introduce a little creativity to your work and polish your interpersonal skills, it will become an open and shut case. Above all, you’ll get to be the 007 of your field.
