Test Management in 2018: Top Challenges, Opportunities and Practices

software testing in 2018
  • Posted By: admin
  • Posted On: June 20, 2018

In software testing, running tests will get you far if done efficiently. But, let’s not forget that running tests correctly is perhaps the ominous part of any software testing process. No wonder, how effectively you execute the test suites, all efforts will go in vain if there is no proper test management. This is why test management is of paramount importance to achieve successful releases at the end of every SDLC.

That being said, much has been changed in the last few years when it comes to test management. So, what’s new about it? What challenges do you need to keep up with? What test management practices you need to adopt? Or what’s up about it?

Current State of Test Management

Test management has always been arguably essential in keeping QA teams on the right path and assisting them to deliver the best results possible.

However, over the last few years, the importance of test management has increased due to heightened software quality standards as well as the urge to handing the product to the customer as soon as possible.

Furthermore, many teams after shifting from Waterfall to Agile methodologies have made a huge impact on the IT industry, as Agile has distorted the lines between development and testing processes. Although, it has become a universal fact that quality is now a matter of concern for every tester, contrariwise, it adds more complicacy in an already complicated process – because of quality standards!

So, what are those challenges QA teams come across while trying to achieve best test results via test management? And what practices can they follow to get the desired results they hope for?

Let’s arrange the table and have a talk on it:

Rushing Against Time

Every QA crew and individual working in today’s business environment feels crushed by time limitations. Unfortunately, meeting your deadlines has become more vital than before and it’s going to get even tougher in terms of faster product delivery. Facing the deadlines is the part of QA professional’s monotony.

Therefore, opting for a hands-on approach in order to become more proactive will definitely help alleviate any blockages in software testing and bug release procedures. The anticipated results can be achieved by boosting efforts through introducing innovative technologies and software testing trends—and by integrating these with the prevailing processes.

Test management tools help in better managing the software testing lifecycle and also promote teamwork by keeping every team member communicated and informed.

In addition, some tools like Kualitee come with features like custom reporting that help stakeholders remove any excessive bottlenecks in their test suites and ship error-free product to the client.

Lack of Documentation

Astonishingly, many businesses lack crucial test documentation of their projects, possibly due to strict time and effort constraints. Product Managers are often found managing tradeoffs between time, budget, and quality which leads to a documentation lax.

Managers can focus on the below-mentioned test documentation approaches to be applied throughout the software development and testing project lifecycle:

Test strategy documentation – determining the strategic testing plan to notify what’s going to be tested, what testing approach and plan will be used to catch on details and measure any oncoming constraints, assumptions, and risks.

Test plan documentation – defining the roles based on decided goals and objectives for the test project. This includes test coverage, test requirements, resources, test environments, time management and documentation in collaboration with partners and other teams.

Test estimates – defining the deadlines for all the assigned tasks following the sketched objectives and estimating the efforts required to complete these tasks.

Simply, test documentation is important because:

  • Manage the itsy-bitsy details of a testing project including resources, time and expense.
  • Keep stakeholders well-versed and informed throughout the project development.
  • Reduce threats associated with product delivery, quality, CX, and costs.

Insufficient Transparency and Exposure

The bad news is some test management teams are still using spreadsheets to create and execute test cases?

Wait, how?!

Spreadsheets don’t really work as a test management tool. It can help you make a detailed report MANUALLY of course but not offer help other than this.

They can be used on a micro-level test management, but they can’t streamline today’s complicated test projects.

Hence, contemporary Test Management tools should be considered as essential components to be included in the SDLC to track and define test matrix and leverage the product delivery.

Spreadsheets cannot in any way assess and track any potential bottlenecks that may risk the organization’s identity. However, with the help of a proficient test management app, testers can ascertain the number of anomalies from the information-rich format. This mechanism allows managers or the project leads to inform the issues for rapid fixing.

When all’s said and done, it only depends on the choices you make if you want to approach these test management challenges. Therefore, an update in software testing practices that have been mentioned above said can help you maintain successful test management activities in the rest of 2018.

Do it big, but do it right!
